



Hi I hope you all know that I’m Pisal 14 years old studying in Liger leadership academy. So in my math class I were studying about math wich we doing about + – * we also studying about fraction and fraction is the one of the bed subject for me cause I’m not really good ad fraction and I always try to study more with fraction in my class with my friends. Also we were study about shape , area and square ,rectangle, triangle perimeter geometry parallelogram and more of stuff that related to math just like Algebra I also have one fact about Algebra is that there so many students that are my friend they don’t really know how to do Algebra include me to I don’t know to do it but what I do I ask my teacher and my friend that they know how to do it. And now in this third years I have something to do which is and is doing about math and if you want to know you can try it than you can know how fun is it Thank you for reading.

Teacher sam U.S.A Math Teacher.